Postal is a marketing tool that lets requiters physical send item to potentials customers. While I was working there Postal added 3 new products a Branded Swag Store, analytics and concierge service. I was hired on as a Ui/Ux designer and was in charge of redesigning the main product and related projects.

abundance collection logo.

When I brought on the Postal team. They just finished getting funding and was looking to redesign the whole product. So I and Matt when crazy with different designs. I was favoring the sidebar navigation as I thought it would solve our growing navigation issue. But in the end we decided to go with a more traditional top navigation.

  • first draft The first draft of the app, showing the product screen.
  • first draft The first draft of the app, showing the configuration of the sending the product.
  • first draft Sidebar navigation design, showing the homepage.
  • first draft Sidebar navigation design wireframe showing the marketplace layout.
  • first draft Sidebar navigation design wireframe showing the product information screen.
  • first draft Sidebar navigation design wireframe showing the product review screen.
  • first draft Two Column layout with a photo in the background for texture. This screen is the send method and configuration.
  • first draft Part two of the send method and configuration screen.
  • first draft Two column dark mode screen, all the designs have a dark mode layout. Something I was really pushing for.
  • first draft A cleaner version of the two column layout without a background image and mail stripes at the top.

Send Flow

A small snippet from the send flow. This covers a golden flow from product information page to review and send. I decided not to show all the other methods and configuration or else there would be like 20 screens.

User Flow 1 User Send Flow Part 1, From Marketplace to configuration

User flow 2 User Send Flow part 2, from configuration to finish.

Recipient Flow

In order to receive the gift or swag a recruiters can require the user to fill out a form or set another meeting for a future date. This shows that user flow.

Gift Flow Reciepent accepting a gift userflow.

Design System

One of my man tasks at postal was creating and managing our design library in Figma. Beside creating reusable component for the design team. One of our main goal was to provide prescriptive documentation for the developer.

design system Modal example from design system

Early Illustrations

When I joined Postal needed some error state. So I made some simple drawings to go with the error states. These would later get replaced after the marketing team finished rebranding Postal.

404 illustration showing mail fall out of a mailbox mail blocked illustration invalid link illustration showing mail on fire not found illustration showing a cat unplugging a computer not found illustration feating a cute ghost drawing session expired illustration

Final Illustrations

Later to better match with the redesign the brand team was doing while we were design the interface. We started redoing the illustrations styles with the new brand colors and to focus on people doing tasks.

final logo final logo

Chrome Extension

Waiting on permission to show the work on the chrome extension. But here is link to the current extension on the Google Extension Store.

Final Thoughts

It is always fun to join a young, fresh startup and help develop and shape its design language and product feel. While I did not see the results of the redesign since my contract is up. I wish them the best.